So, when you see me all stressed out over what to wear in the fall - you should really be seeing a frantic Floridian freaking out about the impending winter. I have lived in the tundra for three years now and should be well prepared for all of this, but my blood hasn't changed and the heated seats go on in my car at 60 degrees. Therefore when I feel the brisk autumn air start to come into town, I immediately start running around like a squirrel getting ready to hibernate. I NEED supplies!! I need sweaters and thick socks, a new scarf - maybe this is the year I will be a hat girl....every department store website begins to get 100 hits a day from my IP address. It is madness!!
I really just need to shut up and calm down, but I get really hyped up and upset. I really do like the fall because you feel "cozy" all the time and you can build fires. But when I think about the bitter cold months to follow, I just want to crawl into bed and wake up in May (yes I said MAY because it can still snow here in April which is absurd!!).
So last weekend when I was in Florida I was thrilled when one of my best friends, Kerry, drove over to Orlando from Tampa to take me out shopping. As you know, there are NO good stores where I live which is why most of my purchases are of the online variety. So I was super excited to go to Neimans, Saks, Nordies, Anthropologie, all my favs!!
Here is a picture of Kerry and I just for fun:
Anyway, we went out and about and I found NOTHING. I did not make a single purchase and I was really in the mood for a present! I wanted a fall handbag only to learn that the one I was lusting after online is too big and ugly in person. I wanted to purchase my first real pair of boots only to find that I am simply NOT a boot girl. I really tried, but I just think they are all ugly. I am not trendy enough to wear tall boots and a dress because I think it looks ridiculous. So no boots and no fall handbag :(
Also in rare supply were cute sweaters. I really need sweaters. Typically I wear normal clothes throughout the winter and just wear a scarf and jacket (both Burberry in case you were wondering) and just SCURRY as fast as I can from the car to whatever building and back again. But I really want to be prepared this winter. So I wanted to invest in NICE sweaters that would last me more than one season and look good on me. I always feel sweaters look so bulky and I decided it is because they are cheap....but the expensive or moderately priced sweaters are fug also. On top of everything, you would like to remain stylish but the bottom line is that it is 20 below outside and a girl needs to survive!
So my Orlando shopping spree was a bust :( But at least I got some great QT with Kerry. I loved that I haven't seen her since May and she just swung by the hotel and picked me up. We went to the mall just like we had seen each other yesterday and then she dropped me back off and we said goodbye like we would see each other in a week. It was very refreshing!
So when I got back to my crappy home town, I hit the internet and searched every site imaginable!! Macy's, Dillards, Neimans, Nordies, Saks, Banana, Ann Taylor, I missing anything?? And found NOTHING that I liked. There is 1 sweater that I am luke warm about and will probably purchase next week, but it has short sleeves!

Only I just looked and they no longer have it in my size. I cannot friggin win here! If any of you see any Vince cashmere sweaters on sale or anything with an ounce of style and that is actually tailored to flatter a person's body, PLEASE give me a shout!
So, my final thought for the day is: I am less than thrilled with 2007's fall fashion lineup.
Signing off as: About to freeze my buns off in Michigan.
I feel you on the terrible selection this fall and therefore I'll be freezing in Ohio.
And your top is adorable! Is it INC from Macys?
It is some no name at Nordies, I *think* it was $148.00, but I could be wrong I was looking at so many tops that they all blurred together.
I just have to tell you that you are too cute!! =)
Stay warm honey!
I am loving the capelet sweaters in the stores here in Spain. They might not keep you warm but they're super cute. =)
I never find any decent stuff in FL because um it is FL and they just randomly bring in like one pair of boots and a scarf and call it their winter collection!
I know you hate driving but you should really make the trek to Somerset for the day. It would be like an hour and a half and totally worth it!
Oh and by the way I wish I were back in MI where it snows in snowed in June here and starts snowing in September!
Where is this sweater from? I love it and it's perfect for wimps down here.
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