Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Yoo Hoo!!

Well hello! I think this has been the longest I have gone without blogging since I started this blog. I have been a busy bee! Here is my bulleted list of what I have been up to:
  • I have been in Trial for my job for 2 weeks, which leaves me away from my beloved computer and therefore, friends. Being turned "on" for that many hours in a day really exhausts me and so the computer has not been on my list of things to do and sleeping in my bed HAS.
  • Due to being in the germy courthouse, I have gotten a nasty cold which hasn't helped things.
  • I had a Kappa Delta Alumnae meeting where we went to see The Nanny Diaries. It was super cute.
  • I went out of town this past weekend up north to my husband's grandparent's house. We had a relaxing time and the dogs of course had a ball in the lake.
  • The Noles won against Colorado and we actually had that game televised which is a double bonus!
  • My parents are coming to visit NEXT weekend, so I have a TON of cleaning and preparing to do! They have never been to my house up in Michigan before so this is huge for me!

So moving on, this is a little segment I like to call "Stacy learned a brand new trick." Yes, my tricks are tired and old and everyone on earth apparently knows how to do it but me, but I just got a hold of it in Photoshop and so here are my fun photos in ALL of their glory! Roll with me on this one!

As you know, I bought a bad ass new camera recently and going out of town this past weekend was the first opportunity I had to really play with it. I didn't really get the concept down and there are far too many photos of apples, but you have to crawl before you walk right?

[Disclaimer: I do NOT pretend to be a photographer...I would like to one day be good enough to call it a hobby though. I also have very limited knowledge of photoshop and so taking pictures helps me learn a bit more and more.]

Here are some more of my favorites from the weekend:

Oh yes, I did! Horrible I know....

So anyway, that is that. We had a good weekend - as you can see there were a lot of "nature walks" and apple picking which is SO not me, but since I had the pups along and my camera, I didn't mind much. Also at the end of the day there was a nice apple pie involved :) It is nice to be alone out there in the woods as long as there is a dirt path to keep me clean. Even Daisy got to come in her pink T-shirt. She looked just a little bit out of place.

Hopefully I will start to have some more interesting stuff for you soon. I have been a boring girl lately - haven't even been shopping to show off any new purchases :(

I hope everyone has been good and I can't wait to get back to my desk.


Sarah Gemba said...

Stace these pics are amazing - nice work!

Just Another Small Town Girl said...

Love the furbaby pics!!!!!

a real librarian said...

Fun pictures, S!! Thanks for sharing!!!

GL with your trial, and I hope you feel better!!!

Me... said...

Those are great! I never figured any of that stuff out when I played with photoshop.

April Ziegler said...

Looks great, Stace! You know I never tire of dog shots. The car photo is really cool.