So...I tried to resist. Everyone is doing it. I didn't want to follow the herd. I HATE not being the first to do something or come up with a great idea. So in order to do what everyone else was doing but just be a little bit different. I started a wedding related blog. I really want to be an event planner some day and so I thought it would be a good way to keep my head in the game after planning my own wedding (more on that later). But since doing wedding posts require a little bit of research, planning, etc. I finally decided to cave and start a personal blog. For a long time I thought my life wasn't interesting enough to blog about and truth be told, it's not. But I read all of my friend's blogs and it seems to be therapeutic for them and lately, I NEED THERAPY!
So to start off we will do the quickest rundown on my life. Now, please keep in mind that it DOES depress me that I can sum up my life this quickly. I don't need you to point it out, if anyone is even reading this in the first place. So here I go:
My name is Stacy Chaps (not my real name but a derivative and it will work for our purposes here today:). I am 26 years old going on 27. My birthday is on Christmas day which makes me a really special person (more on that around December;). I was born in New York and raised on Long Island with my two much older brothers. Around the age of 14, I moved to Southwest Florida. I HATED it at first, but I warmed up to it. Now I would give anything to live there again. I am a very interesting blend of NY background and southern hospitality. It is actually a bit confusing. I went as far away from my parents as I dared to college. FSU (Go Noles) - a six hour drive from our Florida home. There I began dating my now husband, Brian. We weren't together the whole time - but trust me, just leave that one alone. I graduated with a degree in Sociology (read: a useless degree in nothing) and I lie and say I have a minor in business (I need like 2 more classes for it so I think that is close enough). I graduated in summer 2003, moved to the wee-est town in Michigan to be with Brian (who moved after freshman year) in January 2004, engaged February 2006 and married May 2007. Oh and random fact - I have a mild shopping addiction (hey the first step is admitting it right?).
So there you have it! Sadly short right?
So in short, I am a newlywed that lives very very far from home. I HATE my job. I love my family very much and miss them fiercely. I think about it daily and as a result of feeling displaced from my family and my desired career path, I feel sort of lost. I mean, don't get me wrong. I obviously wasn't tricked into my current situation. I understood that my husband's business meant I couldn't live down the road from my parents...but yet I still feel blindsided. This is where my header quote comes in. I very much wish I could click my heels like Dorothy and just go home. I have a very pretty pair of red Jimmy Choos which I wear on most special occasions. They never get checked in my luggage at the airport, but travel in their dust bag in my carry on. I feel like they are my modern day ruby slippers and I get really pissy when I click my heels and I am still in Michigan.
hey...michigan isnt THAT bad. you just need me to come home to show you all the "cool" places to go!
You are too freakin' cute! I'm so excited you started this blog and I can't wait to read more!
Love the new blog. Too cute! Reading y'alls blogs makes me think maybe I'm a loser for not having one. Hmm need to get on that.
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