Monday, August 20, 2007

Random FYI

This is a segment I like to call Random FYI. Just a random little tidbit about me. They may not make any sense from time to time, but it was just something I was thinking about and had to put it out there. Also I sometimes don't have exact reasons for my feelings on certain subjects. So for today's random FYI -

Words I do NOT like:

  • Moist;
  • Damp (this one bothers me more than moist);
  • Sumptuous;
  • Succulent;
  • Scrumptious;
  • Safety;
  • Sample; and
  • Supple (this one is a deal breaker).


Sarah said...

i hate the word moist!

Sarah Gemba said...

This is freaking hysterical! My girlfriends are always torturing each other by saying moist panties over and over again. Ha!

shelby said...

"moist" gives me the creepy crawlies for sure.

And "succulent" makes me think of cheap, badly prepared shellfish.

Anonymous said...

You're in good company... many of those words are cringe-worthy for sure! Moist tops the list for me... but then again it can be a fun one to pull out in random conversation and see how many people's faces screw up.
