Thursday, August 16, 2007

Seriously Co-Worker? Seriously?

This is a little segment that will be up from time to time. Hopefully not too often. If you don't see this title, then you know I am having a great day.

So here is today's "Seriously?" moment:

Seriously co-worker? You thought it was okay to pretend you were cleaning out the coffee pot last night and instead just dumped the old coffee out and put the pot back onto the stand thingy?? Seriously? Would it really have put you out to rinse out the pot while you were standing at the sink so that this morning I didn't have to re-wash it? Seriously! I know your job is REALLY tough answering the phone a couple times a day and reading a book, so next time you are really into that last chapter just say, "Hey Stace, can you clean out the coffee pot correctly? Because I don't really intend on doing it." That would be a MUCH better answer.

You see, this morning my husband ticked me off to high heaven because he is usually out the door before I even open my eyes in the morning. But instead he spent the morning with me (yay!) because his car is broken down and so he drove me to work and stranded me at my office until 5:00 (double yay!). He cracked unfunny jokes, teased me and poked me all before I had my morning coffee. Then, when he dropped me off this morning, he thought he was super funny when he laid onto the horn VERY loudly and rudely. Since I didn't have coffee yet and am not really used to having to interact with anyone until about 10:00 a.m. when my boss comes in, I lost it. I told him that you do not lay on the horn and honk at a professional office building and that if he can't learn to act professionally he can walk to work.

OK that wasn't very was a bit of a morning melt down, but again, I am not used to talking to anyone in person (just email) before coffee time. So....I go up to the office grab the pot to make the coffee I have been yearning for and start to fill it up only to notice that there is still coffee from yesterday in it! She messed up and didn't empty it all....I found myself wondering how many times have I had coffee out of a dirty pot?

Needless to say, this did not cheer me up. I had to clean out the pot myself and start the coffee....I am better now that I have had some (2 Splendas and 2 hazelnut creamers)....but seriously?


Liene Stevens said...

Hilarious. My seriously moment: I had a former co-worker who would never put the filter in correctly, thus causing the coffee maker to leak everywhere. She would then walk away and do nothing to clean it up because "mopping is not in my job description".

Stacy said...

people honestly amaze me! I don't doubt it based on the people in my office. It is dumbfounding!