Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Melissa's Wedding Part II

**let's just get this out of the way. I asked for my hair to be darker and shorter on Wednesday when I got my hair did. My stylist did exactly what I asked him to do so I cannot fault him for it, but I am well aware that my hair looks fug. Here is a picture of my mom being surprised by my doo...let's all laugh and let's all then move on.

(It actually looks okay right there, but there are other pictures below)

So after the whole AirTran fiasco I really really tried to sleep in on Saturday. But my internal alarm clock was all screwy and it just wasn't happening! I am sure it didn't help matters that I was sleeping on a pull out couch in my parent's time share. Melissa's wedding was at 6:00, and the time to get ready and go came and went very quickly. Because my mother was involved we were almost late (she is always late). Luckily, I know Melissa very well and she is never on time either, so I had a feeling we were going to be okay. Here we are all dressed up and somewhere to go!

In the car we struggled with issue of who to follow? The GPS biotch who I HATE?! Or mapquest, who hasn't steered me wrong yet (once again, pun is intended)? So what did we do? We did the top #1 travel "No No" of all time, which is to listen to mapquest 3/4's of the way, and then get nervous and start listening to GPS. I have a feeling that if we stuck to one or the other we would have shaved 10 minutes off of our time, but since we faltered, we got there at 6:00 p.m., on the dot!!

We got there just in time because we were only seated for about two minutes before the bridal party began to enter. First off, the ceremony was held at the Rollins College chapel. It was GORGEOUS! The kind of church that I would have preferred for my wedding. It had beautiful stained glass windows and awesome lanterns that, if we are being honest, I really wanted to have in my house (you know, the house I don't have with vaulted ceilings?)

True to form, Melissa looked breathtaking! I should say that I was so excited to get awesome photos for my Rebel's first outing (Yes, that is my new camera's name, and no, I didn't make it up. It just works out that it is the name of the model, and just so happens to be a super cool name ;). But for whatever reason, me and Melissa were NOT jiving in the photo department (further evidence to follow below). Since we were the last to arrive we were in the back of the church so I couldn't see well, and the one good shot I got of her coming down the aisle - she had her eyes closed. But whatever, you have to just squint your eyes while looking at her and you won't realize hers are closed.

The ceremony was gloriously short! She was in, married and out in less than 15 minutes! As we left, I got the chance to spot some old friends. Kappa Deltas that were there were: Noelle W., Caroline Abu, and Leighton. They are a bit older than me, but it was wonderful to catch up and see everyone. Also a friend from home, Arwen, and her husband were there. But just as I started to mingle the skies were parting and it was about to rain. We weren't quite sure if the couple was making an exit or not and so my mother said she was NOT sticking around.

So off we went to the reception which took place at the Grand Bohemian in downtown Orlando. I have an unreal sense that I have been there before. I knew where the bathrooms were and I know I had been in the bar area before....I am still trying to figure this one out because so far Kerry can't help me place it and I know I didn't just go gallivanting to events in downtown Orlando by myself (or as my friend, Biddy, likes to call it: Jamlando - I hate when people give stupid names to their cities to make themselves feel cooler for living there ;).

Anyway, we had an hour of cocktailing and then we were escorted into the dining room. WOW! Check out these branchy centerpieces!! They were amazing! Totally awesome and unique and I think they would look fantabulous in a tent wedding!!

Here are the remainder of my photos with some comments here and there :)

Here is the first photo taken of me and Mel...it didn't come out great so I was determined to get a better one. You may remember her from her teeny head and our issue of pictures together because I have a big head. So it was my goal for the evening to make my head look smaller.

The menu and cake. The cake was by Publix further proving that they do a surprisingly fantastic job!

Me and my mom after some wine: 1 for her and 2 for me :) Also, my hair is cooperating here (It is very hit or miss).

Reception decor :)

OK, here we are in the bathroom trying to get a better angle of my head. You will see that my hair is the epitome of fug in this photo.

Then, here we are about to get hit by the bathroom door - we have officially given up! We did not successfully take a photo :( But although the picture stinks, my head does look a bit smaller doesn't it? :)

That is all I have for now. It was a whirlwind of a weekend and I am happy to be back home. Melissa is off in Hawaii on her honeymoon, but I can't wait for her to get back and hopefully see some of her professional photos! I will keep you posted :) Until then....



Sarah Gemba said...

Your hair is SO not fug and your head is a perfect size!

WOW on the reception decorations, looks like an amazing wedding!

Anonymous said...

I love your hair color what are you talking about you weirdo!

shelby said...

You have a cute head! :)

RACHEL said...

Can we talk just for a second about how cute YOUR dress is? Love it! And if it makes you feel better, I have a ginormous head, too. When I graduated from law school they had a hard time finding a beanie-thing big enough to fit over my noggen. It was embarassing.

Maria said...

That's too funny Stacy--was it a nestie? I wasn't sure by your message if you had recognized me from the DW board or not. I'm in b/w generations and so I missed out on how everyone's created a blog but it's good entertainment so I'll have to catch up now.
My job has been v. slow so I've been doing some extra online shopping and blogging lately :P I'll have to bookmark you to see what good finds you highlight!
And btw, your hair looks great in this post.