Today is my Maid of Honor's birthday!! She came to me from Kentucky a confused little girl with a tongue ring on a big college campus. I couldn't understand her for quite a few months since I had never encountered a southern accent quite like hers. After a while, I got used to it a little bit more and actually was able to translate for others. She would come into a room and utter a few sentences and leave and the other girls would be like, "What the hell did she just say?" And I would tell them that she was just looking for some fried food -- or whatever she was saying at the time. After some more time, she lost her accent just enough to still sound Tucky-ish, but all the world could finally "get her."
When I look back through my pictures of college memories, there are an unreasonable amount of pictures of Kel and I. Which makes me think that once upon a time, we were quite full of ourselves ;). I am not going to share them all, b/c it would take too long, but I will share a few.
Happy Birthday Kel! I miss you to pieces!
For a long period of time, Kel and I would go to Outback for the large amounts of free wine we could consume. Here are two pictures from those nights:
During a tragic rollerskating accident, Kelli broke her tibial plateau and had to wear pants and a boot to our sorority formal. Here I am keeping her gimp @$$ company:
Sometimes we like to play dress up :) These are my old dance costumes! Look mom they still fit!
Here are some photos from my bachelorette party in NYC:
At Hotel Gansevoort Kelli allegedly unknowingly stole some coats from the coat check girl. In her defense, the girl did not look at our tickets and in Kelli's defense, she was 2-3 bottles of Cristal to the wind. If anyone left the Gansevoort on or about March 3, 2007, sans white furry jacket -- she apologizes. She is aware that it was very cold out and she can't be more sorry. But we believe she did you a favor as the jacket was FUG and if you can afford drinks at Gansevoort, you should pack it in for a few evenings and afford a nicer coat. Anyway here is the thief in the cab ride home once she realized she was holding coats that did not belong to her:
And lastly, here she is by my side on the most important day of my life!
The dance costume pic is PRICELESS! all look like sisters...and always having fun...SO ADORABLE!! Happy bday girl!! :)
And, Stace...LOVE the Choo of the week!! HOT.
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