Thursday, January 3, 2008

Birthday Goods!

Since my birthday is on Christmas, it is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of it all and just sweep my birthday aside. My wonderful family, however, really makes an effort to not do this. The main way they do this is open all Christmas presents in the morning. After Christmas dinner, it is officially "my birthday" and that is when the party switches. It is really sweet that they try to change the atmosphere a bit with birthday cake as opposed to holiday cake, etc.

I also especially love my birthday because all the practical gifts are given to me for Christmas, but the fun gifts in small boxes usually come to me for my birthday!! This year was a bit different since my parents didn't get me jewelry, but I agree that I probably don't need anything else. Instead, they graciously ripped up a check for a lump of money I owed them (thank you, thank you!), and gave me money in addition to that! It was seriously such a big help for the month of December when the holiday bills are breathing down your neck!

I thought for sure that was going to be it, and I was completely satisfied with that, but then they gave me these 2 hot little numbers ;)
A new straightener:
And these wonderful Gucci shades!! (These actually were given to me on an IOU, and we picked them out the following day at Saks! My parents were extra thrilled that they were on a super sale!) I vow to treat these sunglasses better than the loyal glasses that have gone before them! After leaving my face, they will go directly back into their case. It is part of my New Years resolution to treat sunglasses better and guard them against scratches ;)

It was a wonderfully fabulous birthday!!

*** You are still dying to know what the hubster got me aren't you? It had a photo shoot last night, but it apparently prefers not to have it's picture taken as they all did not do it justice. So I will just have to send you the web image and not the photo taken of it on my arm. Stand by!!

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