Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Oh my goodness! I have been SUCH a bad blogger. As you know, I have been working two jobs and along with that and the rush of holiday card orders off of my website, I have been beyond busy! Luckily the holiday hustle and bustle is coming to a close, so I thought I would stop by and say hello.

This is just a quick entry to show you all my pathetic little tree :). My husband and I do not spend Christmas at home, so we don't buy a tree. I cannot tell you how excited I am though, for the day that we purchase our first tree as a couple.

Oh, YES! It rotates! Don't you worry! This is no ordinary wire tree!

Since this was our first Christmas together in wedded bliss, I felt we needed something to put the Christmas cheer in our house and allow us to start collecting ornaments, like this "Our 1st Christmas" ornament below.

This photo below is my attempt at showing you the lovely surprise we got from the yet to be blogged about Mr. and Mrs., whose wedding I recently attended in the Bahamas! When I got home from a long day of flying, a package was waiting for me from the happy couple. Inside was an ornament filled with sand and shells with a cute little poem attached! It was so thoughtful and I was thrilled to have another ornamenet on our "tree."

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So, I'm sorry that I have been a bad blogger! I still have Thansgiving photos to share, Seriously Co-Worker posts, along with Ashley's wedding photos! I have a few entries started in that regard, I just need to take the time to finish them! Hopefully I can do it all before Christmas so I will be back on track for the New Year and all the blogger resolutions that come along with it!


Sarah Gemba said...

Love the wire tree! We don't do a tree either...but would love to one day...just need to teach the cat that it's not healthy to eat first...

Christy said...

Oh I love your little tree, it's cute! Last year we got our 1st Christmas tree. When we lived in Cali, we never had one because we always came back to Houston for Christmas.