Hello faithful friends! Sorry I have been a slacker, but I have not taken any pictures lately, and we all know a blog without pictures is worthless. Also, I've just been trying to be off the computer more in order to enjoy real life a bit more. You know, get out of the house, see the family, and other miscellaneous reasons to take my rear off the couch!!
My husband has finally completed his portion of the move and we are officially, although temporarily, a single income family!! I am petrified for this next "stage" of our marriage.
With that, I have curbed my spending quite a bit to say the least. Over the last month or two, I tapered off considerably. But before I did, I had to have one last fling.
Originally, I had BIG plans for my last purchase. I figured it would have to be big in order to "hold me over." But in the end, I decided to err on the side of frugality and cut back my big dreams.
I decided on two criteria for my last purchase:
1. A leather good, because I truly felt like I would implode if I didn't spend money on a leather good. Sick, but true; and
2. Something that sparkles! A bauble, if you will.
The leather good was a bone colored Coach wallet that is really not exciting enough to share. It is functional, it smelled like leather which quelled my need a bit (sick, sick puppy), and it fits my blackberry inside it for the times I don't want to take my purse.
The sparkle was this David Yurman ring I found in Off Fifth on Supa Sale! You'd be shocked at how easy I got off with this one!
This photo is so poor, but I can't find another shot online. Basically we have this ring:
With this stone, prasiolite:
So my friends, for now it will come to an end. I have decided to TRY very hard to shift my priorities to travel, or just all around fun with my husband instead of "things." When we buy our new home, I'm sure that will keep me busy buying furnishings and things of that nature, but besides that, I want to go to concerts and sit in the front row (Kid Rock is at the top of my list if that interests you at all), and sporting events -- especially when the Red Wings roll through town, and I want to travel. Traveling will still be a challenge with the dogs, but even weekend getaways will make me happy.
So everyone else out there....have fun shopping without me! Next up, if I keep my promise to blog more, some of you will get to see the pups at the beach! I have been asked for updated pictures and I am a bad fur-mama for not uploading some sooner!
I hope all of you are well, in good health, and are enjoying life to the fullest! Now that I am back in the land that I love, home, I plan on it!